Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam (Karbida) is an Islamic religious study activity organized by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa. This activity was carried out in the month of Ramadan on May 2, 2020 at 08.00 WIB via streaming youtube HMJ Kimia Unesa. Karbida is also open to the public besides Chemistry Department Students. This time, Karbida was filled with material delivery by Ustadz M. Ali David. He is the Managing Director of Golden Generation and the Indo GGLC Master Trainer from Surabaya City.
This year’s Karbida has the theme “Tafakur Pandemic Virus Corona in the Perspective of Islamic Education”. Where this theme is taken from the conditions that currently occur namely the outbreak of the corona virus in Indonesia. We as Muslims should regard the corona virus as a test from Allah. With this Karbida activity it is hoped that insights will also increase to increase obedience and strengthen faith in Allah SWT.
This activity was attended by 192 participants from both the Chemistry Department and the public. This activity begins with the participant registration at 08.00 WIB by writing the name in the comments column on HMJ Kimia’s YouTube streaming. At 08.10 WIB, Ustadz M. Ali David delivered material about how we pray to God when facing a virus pandemic like this and practices that can be done at home as a form of our efforts to prevent the spread of this corona virus.
The event then continued with question and answer session by the participants. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the many questions asked. After the question and answer session was over, continued with the reading of prayers by Ustadz M. Ali David so that the corona virus was immediately raised by Allah and we would further increase our faith and devotion to Allah SWT. At 09.30 WIB, the event was over and proceeded smoothly.