Pemso I As a Chemistry Student Preparation for UAS

The Question Discussion Activity (Pemso) I was held on Sunday, May 10, 2020. The activity organized by the Chemistry Department Association aims to make Chemistry Students, especially class 2018 and 2019, ready to carry out even semester UAS. Thus it is expected that Chemistry Students get satisfying insights and grades. This activity is carried out online through google classroom. This activity was attended by 2 batches, namely class 2018 and 2019. Where from the 2 batches were divided into 10 classes, each class consisted of around 30 students and there was a tentor who was expert and ready to be invited to discuss about UAS material. There are 4 courses discussed with tentor, namely the subject of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry for students of the class of 2018. And physical chemistry,

The activity starts at 07.30 where before starting, participants are welcome to fill in attendance at google classroom and read modules that have been shared so that the discussion can run effectively. The discussion time with the tutor is 1 hour and then there is time for change of subject, followed by discussion of the next course and so on until the 3 courses that have been discussed.

The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the activity in the discussion. As well as 2-way communication between tutors and participants. “This activity is very helpful, because during this pandemic it is very difficult to understand the lesson. However, because this event hopefully can facilitate the understanding of the lesson” answered one of the participants in this event. Although in a pandemic situation, this event can run smoothly. Hopefully the knowledge gained will be useful as well as this pandemic period will be finished.


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