Blood Donors

Hello chemistry majors ….

We would like to inform you about one of the work programs of the Department  Social and Environmental HMJ Kimia Unesa 2020 namely Blood Donation.

HMJ Kimia Unesa organized this work program to help the blood supply which is currently experiencing a decline due to the Covid-19 virus factor and the month of Ramadan. With this program, majors and general students can raise awareness, strengthen human relations. In addition, avoiding various diseases due to blood donation can contribute iron in the body to excess.

Blood donation is a process of voluntary blood collection to be stored in a blood bank, which is then used in blood transfusion activities. The amount of blood in each person is the same, depending on age, occupation and the condition of the heart or blood vessels.

This blood donor work program is one of the aspirations of HMJ Kimia Unesa in helping to supply blood in collaboration with PMI. PMI can collect blood donors, in accordance with Law No. 1 of 2018 concerning abstinence. The purpose of this program is to assist PMI in fulfilling blood needs properly.

Implementation begins with registration Fill in the registration form of potential donor participants. This is useful to make it easier for the committee to call the name of the prospective donor to conduct a health check first. After that, fill out a form containing the medical history and donor identity. This is done so that the PMI knows whether prospective donors have qualifications that meet the requirements or not. If the candidates do not meet the requirements, they will be notified by the executive committee. After that, mark the health form, it is useful to indicate that the form is filled in truthfully. And filled by people who fit the identity. PMI also has evidence that it has received approval from prospective donors to have their blood drawn. After that, do the initial examination, including weighing, Hb examination, and blood type. Basically prospective donors have to know the conditions needed to do blood donation but to re-ascertain whether the person is in good health on that day. After that, an examination carried out by a doctor, including interviews and blood pressure checks. Interviews were conducted to ascertain donors about what was written on the registration form. After that, blood and samples are taken. After that, providing replacement food. At this stage, donors after blood donation get a small box that usually contains blood booster supplements, glass noodles, milk, and bread. Not only that, HMJ Kimia also plans that specifically for the first 50 donors, they will get souvenirs in the form of stainless steel straws. Of course this plan also makes faculty members want to donate blood immediately because blood donation itself is a noble and reciprocal action that is also equal.


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