METANA “HMJ Kimia Unesa Annual Magazine”

Hello chemistry majors ….

We would like to inform you about one of the work programs of the Department of Communication and Information of HMJ Kimia Unesa 2020 namely METANA.

HMJ Kimia Unesa held an activity to facilitate Chemistry Department students in meeting their needs. Chemistry students need academic and non-academic information. To meet the needs of these students, one of the activities held by HMJ Kimia is METANA (HMJ Kimia Unesa Annual Magazine).

Magazine is one of the mass communication media that tries to convey messages to the public in great detail because it has different characteristics from other print media. The characteristics of a magazine can be seen from the message content presented by a magazine.

METANA itself is an activity that runs in the field of journalism, photography and graphic design with the aim to provide information, inspiration, and distribution of work from chemistry students to chemistry students. The publication of METANA magazine was carried out during 1 management period in 2020 with 2 times of publishing, namely online publishing in the form of bulletins and 1 publishing offline in the form of physical magazines. The implementation of METANA activities begins with the formation of the Editorial Team with their respective assignments. After that, it was continued with interviews, news writing, editing to the process of selecting photos and illustrations, and selection of manuscripts for the works to be published in METANA magazine. After all the content has been collected, a layout and layout is made, until finally it is printed and distributed.

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