BAZNAS Scholarships for the Young Studentpreneur category are those who are
currently pioneering or pursuing entrepreneurial activities, it is hoped that in the future,
each scholarship recipient has income independence and economic independence through
a business program. Not only that, students are expected to open new jobs so that they
can provide space to reduce the unemployment rate. The ability to plan business, manage
finance, communicate, expand networks, monitor and evaluate businesses needs to be
studied and developed.

Scholarship Facilities:
1. SPP / UKT assistance a maximum of 4 million rupiah
2. 400,000 rupiah / month monthly allowance
3. Coaching with regional mentors (entrepreneurs, activists, achievements)
4. The best coaching with the BAZBAS Scholarship Institution

Period of scholarship:
1. Scholarships are given for a maximum of 4 semesters, or
2. Scholarships are awarded until graduation (if students graduate before semester 8 is

Scholarship applicant requirements:

  • General Conditions
    1. Active PTN / S students (minimum Accreditation B) who partner with the
    BAZNAS Scholarship Institution (campus list attached)
    2. College student
    3. 4th semester students when registering
    4. Attach a salary slip / income statement of the person
    5. Minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale
    6. Attach a Certificate of Disability that is signed by the local mosque management
    7. Get recommendations from community leaders
    8. Following the whole series of selections

    9. Willing to follow the whole series of scholarship coaching until the scholarship
    program is complete
  • Special Requirements
    1. Derived from all majors with a minimum of accreditation B
    2. Have a business plan
    3. Having entrepreneurial activities that are being occupied
    4. Have and be active in social media accounts

Prepared Documents:
1. Document Checklist Form.
2. Registration form
3. Passport photo
5. FC KK
6. Lecture Active Letters from each campus or Study Plan Card (if getting an active
lecture letter is not possible / difficult)
7. Salary slip or Parent’s income statement (if there is no salary slip).
8. Letters of recommendation from community leaders
9. Certificate of Disability, signed by the local mosque management
10. Value transcript containing the latest GPA (Study Result Card)

Registration Flow:
1. Participants download the Document Checklist Form and registration Form and
complete it. Form formats can be downloaded (download) at
2. Participants register online at
3. If registration is successful, participants will get a notification via email
4. Participants who qualify will take part in the selection process in force

Opened for 30 campuses in Indonesia including:
1. IAIN METRO Lampung
2. IAIN Palopo

3. IAIN Palu
4. IAIN Salatiga
5. IAIN Samarinda
6. IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon
7. Bogor Agricultural Institute
8. The Ten November Institute of Technology
10. Tazkia Institute
11. Imam Bonjol Padang UIN
12. UIN Mataram
13. UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
14. Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang
15. Ahmad Dahlan University
16. Halu Oleo University
17. Jambi University
18. Lambung Mangkurat University
19. Malikussaleh university
20. University of Mataram
21. Jakarta Muhammadiyah University
22. University of Muhammadiyah Malang
23. muhammadiyah Surakarta university
24. State University of Jakarta
25. State University of Malang
26. Medan State University
27. Surabaya State University
28. Riau University
29. Sriwijaya University
30. Syiah Kuala University

Scholarship Timeline:
1. Online registration: April 23 – May 8 2020
2. File selection: May 8-20, 2020

3. Announcement of file escapes: May 20 2020
4. Interview selection (by Campus team): 1 – 10 June 2020
5. Announcement of scholarship graduation: 15 June 2020

Information Center :
1. Instagram: @lembagabeasiswabaznas
2. Facebook: BAZNAS Scholarship Institution
3. Service Number WA: 0813-8286-7500

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