Selection of ASEAN CIMB Scholarship candidates
- Easy to adapt to change
- The ability to channel ideas
- Academic achievements and extracurricular activities
- Able to communicate well
- Team collaboration ability
- Creativity and innovation in problem solving
For further information, please see
Requirements :
- Maximum age is 24 years
- Citizens of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or the Philippines
- Already receiving or expecting to continue undergraduate study starting in 2020 at any academic institution in a recognized university
- Has a good academic track record, and is active in curricular activities
- Do not receive another scholarship
Stages of selection
Registration date MARCH 16-15 APRIL 2020
Stage 1
Stage 2
Selected applicants will take part in the CIMB Online assessment
Stage 4
Selected applicants will carry out a CIMB ASEAN Scholarship boot camp 2 days 1 night
Stage 5
Final interview