Pemso I sebagai persiapan mahasiswa kimia menghadapi UAS

Kegiatan Pembahasan Soal (Pemso) I dilaksanakan pada hari minggu tanggal 10 Mei 2020. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Jurusan Kimia ini bertujuan supaya Mahasiswa Kimia terutama angkatan 2018 dan 2019 siap melaksanakan UAS semester genap. Dengan demikian diharapkan Mahasiswa Kimia mendapat wawasan dan nilai yang memuaskan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara online melalui google classroom. Kegiatan ini diikuti 2 angkatan yaitu angkatan 2018 dan 2019. Dimana dari 2 angkatan tersebut dibagi menjadi 10 kelas yang setiap kelasnya berjumlah sekitar 30 mahasiswa dan terdapat seorang tutor yang ahli dan siap untuk diajak berdiskusi tentang materi UAS. Hanya ada 3 mata kuliah saja yang didiskusikan dengan tutor yaitu mata kuliah yang cenderung sulit dan membutuhkan pemahaman lebih.

Kegiatan dimulai pukul 07.30 dimana sebelum dimulai, peserta dipersilahkan untuk mengisi absensi di google classroom dan membaca modul yang telah dibagikan agar nanti diskusi dapat berjalan efektif. Waktu diskusi bersama tutor adalah 1 jam lalu ada waktu untuk pergantian mata kuliah, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi mata kuliah selanjutnya begitu seterusnya hingga selesai 3 mata kuliah yang telah didiskusikan.

Antusiasme dari peserta dapat dilihat dari keaktifan dalam diskusi tersebut. Serta adanya komunikasi 2 arah antara tutor dengan peserta. “Kegiatan ini sangat membantu sekali, karena pada masa pandemik ini sangat susah sekali dalam memahami pelajaran. Tetapi, karena acara ini semoga dapat memudahkan dalam pemahaman dalam pelajaran” jawab salah seorang peserta dalam acara ini. Meskipun dalam keadaan pandemik, acara ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Semoga ilmu yang didapatkan berguna serta masa pandemik ini akan selesai.


Pemso I As a Chemistry Student Preparation for UAS

The Question Discussion Activity (Pemso) I was held on Sunday, May 10, 2020. The activity organized by the Chemistry Department Association aims to make Chemistry Students, especially class 2018 and 2019, ready to carry out even semester UAS. Thus it is expected that Chemistry Students get satisfying insights and grades. This activity is carried out online through google classroom. This activity was attended by 2 batches, namely class 2018 and 2019. Where from the 2 batches were divided into 10 classes, each class consisted of around 30 students and there was a tentor who was expert and ready to be invited to discuss about UAS material. There are 4 courses discussed with tentor, namely the subject of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry for students of the class of 2018. And physical chemistry,

The activity starts at 07.30 where before starting, participants are welcome to fill in attendance at google classroom and read modules that have been shared so that the discussion can run effectively. The discussion time with the tutor is 1 hour and then there is time for change of subject, followed by discussion of the next course and so on until the 3 courses that have been discussed.

The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the activity in the discussion. As well as 2-way communication between tutors and participants. “This activity is very helpful, because during this pandemic it is very difficult to understand the lesson. However, because this event hopefully can facilitate the understanding of the lesson” answered one of the participants in this event. Although in a pandemic situation, this event can run smoothly. Hopefully the knowledge gained will be useful as well as this pandemic period will be finished.



HASIL KOTAK SARAN ONLINE PERIODE BULAN APRIL 2020 Tanggal Nama Kepada Keluhan Saran Tanggapan dari HMJ Kimia 6 April 2020   Mahasiswa yang sudah lama tidak kuliah HMJ Kimia Secara Umum setiap kali ada pengurus HMJ yang share pamflet progja, entah itu dalam bentuk status, snapgram dkk. Setelah dilihat di media sosial resmi HMJ ternyata pamfletnya … Read more

Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam 2020

Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam (Karbida) is an Islamic religious study activity organized by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa. This activity was carried out in the month of Ramadan on May 2, 2020 at 08.00 WIB via streaming youtube HMJ Kimia Unesa. Karbida is also open to the public besides Chemistry Department Students. … Read more

Karbida 2020: Tafakur Pandemi Virus Corona

Kegiatan Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam (Karbida) ini disambut baik oleh seluruh mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia FMIPA yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadhan tanggal 2 Mei 2020 pada pukul 08.00 melalui streaming youtube Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan (HMJ) Kimia. Karbida ini juga dibuka untuk umum selain Mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia. Dalam Karbida ini, diisi dengan penyampaian materi oleh Ustadz … Read more


BAZNAS Scholarships in the Young Example category are those who currently hold a commitment to excel and become the best in their fields, are scholarship recipients who excel in their respective fields through active participation in various competitions, both nationally and internationally. The ability to write, come up with creative ideas, understand contextual literacy, solve … Read more


BAZNAS Scholarship Young Aktivisi are those who are currently actively contributing to society through organizational / voluntary activities, it is expected that every student actively participates in organizational activities both internally and externally on campus. Every young activist has a role and contribution to managed organizations, universities, nations, and countries. The Young Activist BCB recipient … Read more


BAZNAS Scholarships for the Young Studentpreneur category are those who are currently pioneering or pursuing entrepreneurial activities, it is hoped that in the future, each scholarship recipient has income independence and economic independence through a business program. Not only that, students are expected to open new jobs so that they can provide space to reduce … Read more


  BCB STUDENTPRENEUR MUDA Cendekia BAZNAS kategori Studentpreneur Muda adalah mereka yang saat ini sedang merintis atau menekuni kegiatan wirausaha, diharapkan di masa depan, setiap penerima beasiswa memiliki kemandirian pendapatan dan kemandirian ekonomi melalui program usaha. Tidak hanya itu, diharapkan mahasiswa membuka lapangan kerja baru sehingga mampu memberikan ruang untuk menurukan tingkat pengangguran. Kemampuan merencanakan … Read more


“Unite Aspirations, Let’s Synergize to Improve the Quality of the Department of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa”

Hello chemistry majors ……

On Saturday, April 18, 2020 one of the work programs of the Department of Advocacy and Human Rights of HMJ Kimia Unesa 2020 was held, namely, SARASEHAN I. Which was held online using the Zoom Cloud Meeting application. Held online because of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic which requires everyone to do activities at home and avoid any group meetings in person. The event starts at 10:00 WIB and finishes at 12.00 WIB. With the theme “Unite Aspirations, Let’s Synergize to Improve the Quality of the Department of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa”. This activity was attended by Chemistry Department students from the 2016-2019 class, the Unesa Chemistry Department Student Association committee in 2020, and the Chemistry Department Unesa lecturer, this activity was attended by 22 participants, 15 committees, 7 lecturers, and 2 DPM FMIPA Unesa. The activity began with the preparation of the committee, then the opening, remarks by the chairperson and chair of the Department of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa. Furthermore, the bureaucracy answered about the progress of SARASEHAN II. Followed by a question and answer session where students are allowed to express their opinions or criticisms about an issue related to policies and work programs of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences then the lecturer in question gives a response about it. And the last is closing and prayer. Even though the event was held online, it was felt that it was running quite smoothly and in accordance with the arrangement of the event, although in it there were some substandard connection constraints.

After the question and answer session held in the Workshop I 2020 activities, the following results were obtained:

  1. Responses related to articles in the working time mechanism In connection

with the article, it was the chancellor’s policy that the thesis bill was not in the A5 bindings but was replaced with an article published in the journal. The technique is still in the process of discussion but the form of the article is communicated with each DPS. Although in the form of articles, it also still requires data to be included in the analysis. So, it still needs to be considered again related to the process of taking data during a pandemic like today.

  1. Response to the clarity of information about PKL

So PPL for students of education, PKL for non-education students and KKN related to outsiders already handle each of them. For PKL and PPL handled by LPPM, for KKN handled by LP3M. The schedule will be adjusted to the current conditions. Then the answer to the second question is the Platform is SPADA. That is synonymous with module-based V-learning. The flow in the SPADA is that the university must first make a V-learning first and must complete the 17 course material in its Learning Management System. Only then can it be shared at SPADA. There are still many V-learning at Unesa that does not yet contain. So if it’s shared on SPADA it’s still not possible. Students are allowed to search for material at SPADA.

  1. Responses regarding the transfer of the thesis to the faculty library have not been implemented

Thesis is currently still in the department library, from the department it still does not dare to move to the faculty library because of the limited

space in the faculty library and it is feared that the thesis will be left alone. The plan is for the majors later the thesis will be separated according to the field and placed in the laboratory. The pure study program thesis will be placed in a laboratory, while the educational thesis will be placed in the media room.

  1. Responses regarding the current grade takers

for taking the score of practicum courses in accordance with what is taught by lecturers online. Then the answer to the second question, the person in charge of the course, is to remind the lecturer to do online attendance at Siakadu. During the Covid-19 pandemic all students and lecturers were considered to be admitted. If there are courses whose attendance is not in accordance with the meeting, it is expected to remind the lecturer concerned to fill attendance at Siakadu.

  1. Responses to practicum activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The

implementation of the practicum will be adjusted to the current conditions. If the conditions are really good then the practicum will be carried out according to the normal schedule. If until the end of this semester the condition is not good, then the practicum will be canceled.

  1. Responses about online lectures that have not been balanced between the provision of material and assignments in lectures

If there are lecturers who only give assignments, can be reported to the head of the department. Will later be given a reprimand if there are lecturers who do not study online. All students must also understand that not all

lecturers have the same IT knowledge. In the course of this online lecture, many lecturers have to make videos and have to cut and edit to be able to upload them. So all students are required to report if there are lecturers who do not study online but only give assignments.

  1. Responses regarding analytical chemistry practicum which is not yet known at all practicum

for analytical chemistry practicum is the policy of all qualitative analysis lecturers. So it depends on the professors lecturer. For analytical chemistry 3, the practicum itself is replaced by the relevant assignment, then part of it is entered into the practicum value in accordance with the same task weight as the practicum in the laboratory.


