Blood Donors

Hello chemistry majors …. We would like to inform you about one of the work programs of the Department  Social and Environmental HMJ Kimia Unesa 2020 namely Blood Donation. HMJ Kimia Unesa organized this work program to help the blood supply which is currently experiencing a decline due to the Covid-19 virus factor and the … Read more

Pre-Elementary Student Management Skills Exercise 2019

 “Improving Responsibility, Confidence, and Solidarity to be a Critical Generation”

Before starting lectures, each university always introduces the culture and scope conditions to new students. Because higher education is very different from high school, good adaptation is needed. Prospective students are expected to not only know and know who and what their environment is but also who and what they really are and where they will go to in the future.

Based on the above, we from the Chemistry Department Student Association of Surabaya State University have a mission to help build a generation that is scientific, critical, creative, innovative, dynamic, independent, and dedicated, moral, develops the spirit of entrepreneurship and is able to work together in social life, nation and state. In this period we welcome new students with the Pre-Elementary Student Management Skills Exercise 2019 with the theme “Improving Responsibility, Confidence, and Solidarity to be a Critical Generation” With the aforementioned activities, the new students are expected to be able to find their identity, while still proud to be in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Surabaya State University.Therefore, it is hoped that the participation of all parties is needed so that this activity can be carried out properly.

Cooperative 2020

HMJ Chemistry Entrepreneurship Department 2020 period The Department of Entrepreneurship is a department within HMJ Chemistry which has the field of entrepreneurial work in an effort to grow entrepreneurial spirit with the aim of obtaining mutual benefits and carrying out activities related to entrepreneurship both inside and outside the Department of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa. In … Read more

“Chemistry Sport and Art Virtual Competition 2020”

“Solidarity, Creativity, and Play in Fair with Chisart Virtual Competition 2020”. After the 2019 period successfully held sports and arts week activities which were packaged in the work program “Chemistry Sport and Art Competition 2019” or “CHISART Competition 2019” with the theme “Respect, Fairplay and Solidarity of Chemistry”. Student Association of Chemistry Department, Faculty of … Read more

METANA “HMJ Kimia Unesa Annual Magazine”

Hello chemistry majors ….

We would like to inform you about one of the work programs of the Department of Communication and Information of HMJ Kimia Unesa 2020 namely METANA.

HMJ Kimia Unesa held an activity to facilitate Chemistry Department students in meeting their needs. Chemistry students need academic and non-academic information. To meet the needs of these students, one of the activities held by HMJ Kimia is METANA (HMJ Kimia Unesa Annual Magazine).

Magazine is one of the mass communication media that tries to convey messages to the public in great detail because it has different characteristics from other print media. The characteristics of a magazine can be seen from the message content presented by a magazine.

METANA itself is an activity that runs in the field of journalism, photography and graphic design with the aim to provide information, inspiration, and distribution of work from chemistry students to chemistry students. The publication of METANA magazine was carried out during 1 management period in 2020 with 2 times of publishing, namely online publishing in the form of bulletins and 1 publishing offline in the form of physical magazines. The implementation of METANA activities begins with the formation of the Editorial Team with their respective assignments. After that, it was continued with interviews, news writing, editing to the process of selecting photos and illustrations, and selection of manuscripts for the works to be published in METANA magazine. After all the content has been collected, a layout and layout is made, until finally it is printed and distributed.

Pemso I sebagai persiapan mahasiswa kimia menghadapi UAS

Kegiatan Pembahasan Soal (Pemso) I dilaksanakan pada hari minggu tanggal 10 Mei 2020. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Jurusan Kimia ini bertujuan supaya Mahasiswa Kimia terutama angkatan 2018 dan 2019 siap melaksanakan UAS semester genap. Dengan demikian diharapkan Mahasiswa Kimia mendapat wawasan dan nilai yang memuaskan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara online melalui google classroom. Kegiatan ini diikuti 2 angkatan yaitu angkatan 2018 dan 2019. Dimana dari 2 angkatan tersebut dibagi menjadi 10 kelas yang setiap kelasnya berjumlah sekitar 30 mahasiswa dan terdapat seorang tutor yang ahli dan siap untuk diajak berdiskusi tentang materi UAS. Hanya ada 3 mata kuliah saja yang didiskusikan dengan tutor yaitu mata kuliah yang cenderung sulit dan membutuhkan pemahaman lebih.

Kegiatan dimulai pukul 07.30 dimana sebelum dimulai, peserta dipersilahkan untuk mengisi absensi di google classroom dan membaca modul yang telah dibagikan agar nanti diskusi dapat berjalan efektif. Waktu diskusi bersama tutor adalah 1 jam lalu ada waktu untuk pergantian mata kuliah, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi mata kuliah selanjutnya begitu seterusnya hingga selesai 3 mata kuliah yang telah didiskusikan.

Antusiasme dari peserta dapat dilihat dari keaktifan dalam diskusi tersebut. Serta adanya komunikasi 2 arah antara tutor dengan peserta. “Kegiatan ini sangat membantu sekali, karena pada masa pandemik ini sangat susah sekali dalam memahami pelajaran. Tetapi, karena acara ini semoga dapat memudahkan dalam pemahaman dalam pelajaran” jawab salah seorang peserta dalam acara ini. Meskipun dalam keadaan pandemik, acara ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Semoga ilmu yang didapatkan berguna serta masa pandemik ini akan selesai.


Pemso I As a Chemistry Student Preparation for UAS

The Question Discussion Activity (Pemso) I was held on Sunday, May 10, 2020. The activity organized by the Chemistry Department Association aims to make Chemistry Students, especially class 2018 and 2019, ready to carry out even semester UAS. Thus it is expected that Chemistry Students get satisfying insights and grades. This activity is carried out online through google classroom. This activity was attended by 2 batches, namely class 2018 and 2019. Where from the 2 batches were divided into 10 classes, each class consisted of around 30 students and there was a tentor who was expert and ready to be invited to discuss about UAS material. There are 4 courses discussed with tentor, namely the subject of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry for students of the class of 2018. And physical chemistry,

The activity starts at 07.30 where before starting, participants are welcome to fill in attendance at google classroom and read modules that have been shared so that the discussion can run effectively. The discussion time with the tutor is 1 hour and then there is time for change of subject, followed by discussion of the next course and so on until the 3 courses that have been discussed.

The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the activity in the discussion. As well as 2-way communication between tutors and participants. “This activity is very helpful, because during this pandemic it is very difficult to understand the lesson. However, because this event hopefully can facilitate the understanding of the lesson” answered one of the participants in this event. Although in a pandemic situation, this event can run smoothly. Hopefully the knowledge gained will be useful as well as this pandemic period will be finished.



HASIL KOTAK SARAN ONLINE PERIODE BULAN APRIL 2020 Tanggal Nama Kepada Keluhan Saran Tanggapan dari HMJ Kimia 6 April 2020   Mahasiswa yang sudah lama tidak kuliah HMJ Kimia Secara Umum setiap kali ada pengurus HMJ yang share pamflet progja, entah itu dalam bentuk status, snapgram dkk. Setelah dilihat di media sosial resmi HMJ ternyata pamfletnya … Read more

Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam 2020

Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam (Karbida) is an Islamic religious study activity organized by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan of Chemistry FMIPA Unesa. This activity was carried out in the month of Ramadan on May 2, 2020 at 08.00 WIB via streaming youtube HMJ Kimia Unesa. Karbida is also open to the public besides Chemistry Department Students. … Read more

Karbida 2020: Tafakur Pandemi Virus Corona

Kegiatan Kajian Akbar Bidang Agama Islam (Karbida) ini disambut baik oleh seluruh mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia FMIPA yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadhan tanggal 2 Mei 2020 pada pukul 08.00 melalui streaming youtube Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan (HMJ) Kimia. Karbida ini juga dibuka untuk umum selain Mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia. Dalam Karbida ini, diisi dengan penyampaian materi oleh Ustadz … Read more
